Monday, October 31, 2016

|Review| SelpHbalance Digital pH Meter

-Note: I had a video review of this but after some problems with my laptop, I sadly ended up losing the file. I've had too busy of a schedule to be able to make another one. So for now, until I have the time to remake the video review, I'll be doing this text review instead. - 

 At first this thing was a little tricky to figure out, but after a few tries, I got the hang of it. So far, I haven't had to calibrate it and it seems pretty accurate from what I can tell. I tested it in different solutions and they seemed to register exactly what they should be according to a small chart in the instruction book. (I'm planning on getting another pH meter from another brand sometime soon, and I'll be testing the two pH meters against each other. ) 

It comes the the pH meter, which is in a nice teal, a carrying case, and 6 packets of buffer solution. (there are 3 different types of buffer solution.)You have to have the pH meter sitting in a cup of whatever solution you're testing, or if you're testing pool water you can just stick it in your pool.
 It reads the pH level of the liquid pretty quickly (It never took more than 10 seconds for it to read any of the liquids) and as soon as you took it out of the liquid, it would go back to 0.
You can also use this in soil but I have yet to try that out, but I'll update my review when I do.
All in all I'm pretty satisfied with this product, but I still want to get another pH meter and compare them.

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